City on a Hill Church
1942 W. Memorial Blvd.
Lakeland, FL 33815
Weekly Services
Join us for these weekly meetings and services
Sunday School
9:45 am
With multiple classes for all ages, you’ll find solid biblical teaching to help you better understand God’s word.
Sunday Service
10:45 am
This is our weekly celebration where we come together as a church to worship, open our bibles and are changed by the word of God.
Small Group
6:00 pm
Classes offered and their locations
Look for future up dates.
Prayer Meeting in the Sanctuary
8:30 am
Every Tuesday morning we meet to pray for the needs of our church, city and Nation.
Mid-Week Service
7:00 pm
Our church meets every Wednesday night and gives opportunities for all ages to grow in their relationship with Christ and others.
On your first visit,
it’s best to arrive about 15 minutes early, or 30 minutes early if you need time to find your children’s classroom locations. Programs for children and youth coincide with the 9:45 Sunday School and 10:45 a.m. service, and Son Seekers Children’s Church meets at 10:45 a.m.
For special events and services see our full calendar.
Weekly Bulletin >>>
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City on a Hill Children's Ministries

City on a Hill Youth Ministries

Life Builders

Ladies Ministry

Harvest Years
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Give generously – God is generous so we should be generous as well.