Get in Touch

City on a Hill Church
1942 W. Memorial Blvd.
Lakeland, FL 33815
Main Office
Office: (863)687-1942
Fax: (863)686-1938
Pathway Office
Office: (863)686-8753
Fax: (863)686-1938
Weekly Services
Join us for these weekly meetings and services
Sunday School
9:45 am
With multiple classes for all ages, you’ll find solid biblical teaching to help you better understand God’s word.
Sunday Service
10:45 am
This is our weekly celebration where we come together as a church to worship, open our bibles and are changed by the word of God.
Small Group
6:00 pm
Classes offered and their locations
Small Groups will begin again in January 2024!
Prayer Meeting in the Sanctuary
8:30 am
Every Tuesday morning we meet to pray for the needs of our church, city and Nation.
Mid-Week Service
7:00 pm
Our church meets every Wednesday night and gives opportunities for all ages to grow in their relationship with Christ and others.
On your first visit,
it’s best to arrive about 15 minutes early, or 30 minutes early if you need time to find your children’s classroom locations. Programs for children and youth coincide with the 9:45 Sunday School and 10:45 a.m. service, and Son Seekers Children’s Church meets at 10:45 a.m.
For special events and services see our full calendar.
What to Expect
When should I arrive?
Sunday School is at 9:45 a.m. and Worship 10:45 a.m. and evening worship at 6:00 p.m., with some exceptions on special holidays. Each service includes sermon and music. On your first visit, it’s best to arrive about 15 minutes early, if you need time to find your children’s classroom locations. Programs for children and youth coincide with the 9:45 Sunday School and 7 pm Wednesday night service.
I've come to a Sunday service. Now what?
What’s the next step for getting connected at City on a Hill Church? We believe the answer lies in are many ministries, which meet during service times during the month. The friendly folks at the Information Center in the main lobby of the church can help you find a ministries that best matches your spiritual stage and interests.
Trinity Life is a great place to meet with groups of like-minded people for fellowship, worship, prayer, encouragement, and support. All teachings are under the leadership of excellent pastors and teachers who offer sound biblical insight. The church meets frequently for activities away from the church and join in opportunities for service. People who get involved in the ministries quickly become a part of the heartbeat of Trinity Life.
Why is City on a Hill Church here?
We are here to love the people of the Lakeland area, and to teach and make disciples of Jesus Christ so others can be brought to him, and that this breaks down to connecting with God, each other, and the world.
Leadership structure
City on a Hill Church believes in the headship of Jesus Christ and is focused on seeking and maintaining the Lordship and direction of Jesus Christ through His Word. All of those in leadership continually seek the will of God through His Spirit and Word of God in all actions and decisions. Specifically we have three different leadership teams. The Council, The Pastors, and the Ministry Directors.